My passion is the bond between stage and the audience. My drug is the magic between me and the camera.

I love theatre and film the same. It’s all about the story, the way it’s told. Not the means of communication.

I love new stories. Stories we haven’t heard before. I like old stories in new clothes, the stories we grew up with, told again and again – with new great actors. But i LOVE brand new stories. Heard and told for the first time … in the dark.

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I’ve acted for kids and royalties, and I’ve played Hamlet and Picasso, musicals and Tjechov, … I think I’ve done the most, and yet, I haven’t done the least of it – so many stories, so little time.

And I love to improvise. You can’t succeed, really. You can’t be brilliant ALL the time. Just be average, but be present. Right there, on stage. It’s a lifelong achievement. Love it.